Bring Known to
Your Church

Build community and create the foundation for discipleship at your church with Known. There is an experiential gap for many new members between welcome programs and self-directed engagement in your church. Known bridges that gap.

Known bridges the gap in

new-member engagement.

Embrace the power of story with Known, a unique, question-driven, relationship-building experience. Your context and community are at the heart of every connection. Discover the unique stories of each new member as they discover yours.

Let’s Connect

Have questions about Known? We can help. Whether you’re curious about how Known could work at your church, need help implementing the experience, or could use help with leadership training or strategic planning, Known consultants are here to help.

How It Works

Using story prompts, your church will complete an 8-session script builder to best tell the story of your church. Likewise, participants will use story prompts to tell their story over the 8 sessions. Together you’ll discover more about your church, your members, and how your story is part of God’s story, all while building the community foundation for discipleship investment.

Create Your Free Account

Register here to access the full suite of Known resources to help you better tell your church’s story. Each account gives you access to everything you’ll need to successfully launch Known at your church.